Friday 3 August 2007

drug addled rock star writes song for model

today in shocking news Pete Dotty acted erratically and then did something to try and bring back his stable income, if not relationship, with Kate moss.

"i wrote a song, if only to give a comparator to the shocking decline in the content and style of my already sub par music, but also to try and get her back", said troubled troubadour with cuntish blond foppish hair, "i want to express my need for her prestige but mainly her cash - do you know how much the amount of china i go through costs?"

"lets face a bung every week would do, i couldn't shag her if i wanted to. my dick has been injected into so many times when i piss i get the floor, ceiling and walls wet - its like that Sylvester and tweety pie when he gets holes in him and the water comes out. you know like that, or maybe like a tributary of a river aching to fare well in the hands of a delta mangrove swamp".

"i am not on fuckin drugs" , he then lied

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