Thursday, 18 October 2007

[green] back boris

The Conservative Party has hit political gold, or should they say green with new London Mayor hopeful Boris Johnson.

"The slogan "back Boris" has been made with the concept of him being environmentally green and his aristocratic background, with his key demographic of supporters being fans of 80s kids TV resulting in a slow unveiling of him as baron greenback of dangermouse fame", said a clearly debriefed secretary.

Boris said, "I have green ideas, like removing buses, which needlessly mean over 100 people can use one vehicle, and could actually result in them using over 100 individual vehicles - genius because most of them are too poor to buy a car!"

Dangermouse has said, "He is a coward - green back and yellow belly"

Sunday, 14 October 2007

"Political Theft: Problem Sorted" says Blair

Former PM and shiny in the States politician Tony Blair, has spoken out for the first time since leaving office - on the issue of pinching ideas.

"I know the Tories feel that we [Labour] have pinched their ideas about tax - but seriously look at Cameron he stole my entire f*cking act!", the 6 foot politico said.

"I mean the cheek of it, yeah policies come and go, but me I'm a one off. its very disconcerting that they ripped me off, lock stock and barrel."

Prof Moriarty of North West Uni said, "he has a point".